For Car Towing Pasadena Is Worth Visiting

By Elizabeth Patterson

Every practice has its own history like when it started, applicable rules and regulations, qualifications for players and other relevant information. Car towing industry is no exception in this. This industry is a necessary public service although it is not that much discussed or celebrated. It is the unfortunate circumstances surrounding its necessity that is responsible for this situation. Breakdowns, accidents, and collisions among other unfortunate events are what warrant the need for this service. When in Need of car towing Pasadena should be visited.

Despite the unfortunate events leading to its necessity, this industry has a rich and interesting history filled with both facts and misconceptions. Every curious car owner, aspiring inventors, and history enthusiast would be interested in this history. Most people are ignorant of the fact that this industry has a museum. The museum is known as the international towing museum. It is a non-profit organization found in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Started in 1995, the museum explains the genesis and developmental stages of the tow industry. This is explored by use of pictographic exhibitions of historical information and any type of towing equipment that is developed. All size of tools and restored antique vehicles used for this purpose are included in this exhibition.

According to history the first tow truck was built in 1969 as a prototype. It is believed that it was built by Ernest Holmes a mechanic who was aiming to revolutionize the hauling industry using machine power. Holmes is said to have been motivated after an incident where he was involved in pulling a car wreck from a creek, there were several mechanics involved in pulling the wreck but the mission 8 hours.

To complete the mission the mechanic had to rely on human strength, blocks, and ropes. Once the mission was done, Holmes focused on finding a better solution. The quest for a better solution is what led to the development of the first tow truck. This alternative solution was meant to make dealing with similar incidents in the future much easier. It was also meant to cut on the time spent attending to them.

Breakdown of vehicles happens any moment without prior notice. When breakdown occurs, the people involved are frustrated mostly when they are stuck in the midst of the way. Every person involved in this situation is frustrated especially when vehicle needs mechanical support instantly. Therefore, this process becomes a major necessary.

The situation becomes less frustrating when a person knows that they have a recovery firm hurrying to collect their vehicle. This means that a person must have a reliable tow firm at their disposal to help in shifting the car from one location to another. Most tow companies do not limit their services to recovering cars. They are also involved in tire changing, fuel delivery, load shifting and restacking cargo among other services.

To finish, towing has two categories. The categories are emergency and non-emergency car recovery. When contacting a firm it is important that a person is clear on the type of service they need. Both services are charged differently just like different companies charge differently. It is important that an individual hires an expert for this job to avoid damages to their vehicles.

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